Solar system investment: top 10 mistakes

Solar system investment​: top 10 mistakes​

Bringing solar energy into your Melbourne property is a great way to reduce your utility bills and make your home more sustainable. However, keep in mind that not every solar system has the same standard. There are some common mistakes homeowners make when purchasing a solar system. Here are 10 of the most common solar system investment​ mistakes to avoid.​

  1. Choosing the cheapest option​
    As the saying goes “You get what you pay for”.  While it may be tempting to choose the cheapest solar system. It is really important to consider the installation and product quality.​
  2. Not doing your research properly​
    Take the time to research different installation companies before deciding. The biggest provider is not necessarily the best. You will want a company that dedicate their time to you and not just disappear as soon as you signed the deal.​
  3. Too focus on long warranty term​
    Long product warranty is a standard sales tool. However, not all manufacturers are able to stand the test of time to honour it. Long warranty from less reputable companies has less value than shorter warranty from a reputable manufacturer.​
  4. Fall into sales tricks​
    Make sure you understand the deal they are offering and what are the pros and cons. There are many things in solar installations you cannot see with naked eyes.​
  5. Not future proofing your solar system​
    Remember, your solar system should serve you for at least 20 years. Make sure to factor in your future energy consumption before deciding for a new solar system. Will you buy an electric vehicle or new electrical appliances in the near future?​
  6. Too focus on the rebate​
    Rebate is always a great incentive to start getting into solar. However for those of you that are not eligible, it doesn’t mean Solar system is not for you. The money you lost from waiting or not having a solar system is greater than the rebate itself.​
  7. Hoping that the system will cheaper in the future​
    As mentioned above there is a price of waiting and the longer you wait, the more is out of your pocket. Every year the rebate and government incentives are reduced, on the other hand, labour and goods cost is not getting cheaper. The quicker you get into solar system investment​ the quicker you get the benefit.​
  8. Not choosing the right system size​
    Make sure to know what your aim is to install a solar system. How much bill reduction you are aiming for depends greatly on your system size.​
  9. Not choosing the right product​
    Gather your next plans for your lifestyle into consideration before making the decision. You might not need battery now, but choosing a solar system that can accommodate battery in the feature will save you a lot of money and hassle.​
  10. Understanding your energy usage​
    The size of your solar system should be based on your current energy needs and should have some buffer to cover the increase on your future demands. What works for your neighbour will not always work for you.​

By avoiding these common solar system investment mistakes, you can invest wisely in solar system for your Melbourne home or business premise. Make sure to get a solar system that works best for you in the long run and at the same time contributing to a better environment. Choose and buy with confident.​

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