Solar system investment: Is battery worth it?

Solar system investment​: Is battery worth it?​

As solar panels continue to grow in popularity, more Australian homeowners are considering adding batteries to their solar system investment​. But is it worth it? Adding a battery to your solar system investment​ offers several benefits. First, it helps store excess solar energy generated during the day. This can be used when solar panels are not producing that much energy, such as in the night or cloudy days. This will reduce dependence on the power grid and further reduce energy bills. Additionally, batteries can provide backup power in the event of a power failure. This is especially important for homes in areas with unreliable power supplies or frequent blackouts.​

The answer if it is worth it or not, really depend on the household goals if it is to be energy independent, blackout protection, insurance against inflation, energy security or environmental consciousness. ​

What if your budget doesn’t allow?​

Although there are many reasons to have home battery, however if your budget doesn’t allow, you can always do solar system investment​ first without needing to invest in the battery straight away.​

Most of the leading inverter manufacturer like Fronius, Goodwe or SolarEdge have future proof products where you can activate the battery connectivity later when you are ready to have them. Adding a battery to your solar system investment offers several benefits.​

Store excess energy​

It helps store excess solar energy generated during the day. This can be used when solar panels are not producing that much energy at night or cloudy days. This will reduce dependency on the power grid and further reduce energy bills.​

Blackout Protection​

Additionally, batteries can provide backup power in the event of a power failure. This is especially important for homes in areas with unreliable power supplies or frequent blackouts.​

Potential Saving​

Potential saving from adding batteries may vary depending on energy consumption patterns, the battery size and feed-in tariffs offered by energy suppliers. Most battery owners decided to go with it as they are not willing to sell their excess electricity far lower than the price they need to pay to the grid provider.​

For some homeowners, the benefits of additional energy storage energy security and backup power may outweigh the cost of batteries. Ultimately, whether it’s worth investing in batteries for your solar system depends on your individual circumstances.​

If you’re considering adding batteries to your solar system investment, it’s important to do your homework by listing your aims and priorities. We are happy to help you determining if a battery is right for your home and advise you on the type and size of battery that best fits your needs.​

Want to know more? Contact us.​